For most of my life, I was a "have to see it to believe it kinda girl" until my faith took me to a point where I had to believe to see... and now I do.
I see "proof" all around me... and in me. I am proof.
I am proof that a hard-headed youth can become an open minded adult... Everyone deserves to be heard.
I am proof that a foodie can enjoy food and still be in shape and healthy... with a little thanks to Herbalife.
I am proof that a teenager can have a baby and still raise an amazing teenager... Isaac is pretty incredible.
I am proof that you can overcome a statistic... I graduated high school with a tiny tot.
I am proof that a "doodler" can turn their doodles into something... Have you checked out
I am proof that a day dreamer can get somewhere in life... my imagination helps me be creative.
I am proof that you aren't a loser or drop out, until you quit... I haven't taken a college class in years, but haven't dropped out or quit my goal of graduating college.
I am proof that good things come to those who wait... I heard big, frizzy hair is coming back in style.
I am proof that you really be what you want to be even when others say you can't... Look at me now. I am an artist and NOT starving!
I am proof that slow and steady wins the race... it may have taken me a while to get here, but here I am. Winning!
I am proof that depression does not have to be depressing... I laugh more than I cry.
I am proof that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... I believe in fighting for what is right, like my father.
I am proof that you don't always have to know what you are doing to do it well... my children didn't come with a manual.
I am proof that a sinner will not catch the church roof on fire... our church ceiling may leak at times, but I am pretty sure it has been fire free.
I am proof that GOD doesn't love me any less because I did not know Him personally sooner... He blesses me everyday.
I am proof that a lot of wrong turns can still take you to the right place... I may not being exactly where I am going, but I know I am in a great place.